Plait has a global search control that is used to find a record you want to work on:

You can jump to the search control from any part of the system by doing [Ctrl ]+ [/].  (On some browsers this keystroke combination generates a flash of orange - [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[/] jumps to the control without the flash.)

The easiest way to use the search is to type the beginning of one of the fields that you can search on (there is a full list down below, but in general the fields you would expect, such as forename, surname will work).

In this example, when the character c is entered, the system returns various types of entities that the user has access to where one of the search fields begins with c or C.

The more characters you type, the more the system narrows down the search results.  Use the arrow keys to navigate the list, and press [Enter] to jump to a record.  The list is sorted by length of time since a record was last used, so old records will naturally disappear off the bottom of the list.

Occasionally (especially when search for reports) you will need to search for a part of the string other than the beginning.  You can do this by prefixing your search string with the * character.

As the size of your database increases, it may be that there is not enough information displayed in the search results to figure out which record you need.  Hovering your mouse over a record will generally bring up more information (in the case the address).

Another way you can use search is to specify the collection you wish to search.  For instance, to find the last line in the results above, without all the people above, you could enter reportTemplate:care which returns all the report templates where a search field begins with care.  Notice the colon (:) between the collection name and the string being searched for.

The report title is one of the search fields in report templates - another is the collection the report is run over.  So to see all reports about the event collection (which contains client visits, carer absences etc) you could enter reportTemplate:event.

Many collections have "synonyms" - easy to remember alternatives for the collection name. One of the synonyms for reportTemplate is report.

Another collection that we can search is person.

But if you know (and you almost always will) the role of the person you are searching, you can use a synonym which restricts the search by applying a filter.  In the case of the person collection there are multiple synonyms that apply a filter that only returns clients or care workers.

So using the client synonym only returns clients:

Because people use different names for client, there are multiple synonyms (meta synonyms?) for some of the filters (see the table below).

The complete list of searchable collections and the synonyms is as follows:

Searchable Collection
(case insensitive)
Searchable fields

(case insensitive).
(Lighter text available from mid Dec 22)
forename, preferred name, family name
ClientCustomer, SU, Cust

CareworkerCarer, Employee, Emp, CW, SW, CSW

User (system user)Staff


title, report collection
Report, Reports
Pay, Payslip, Payslips, Payroll

If you are struggling with a search, and think an extra searchable field or synonym would help, please let your support provider know.