If you are interested in seeing what happened to an event, then you should look at this video. If you want to know about other types of data - carry on!

Many of the database collections are audited, so you can see how and when changes happened.

The easiest way to do that is by making a small change to the URL when viewing the using the record you are interested in, by changing the final /edit to something else.  The full list of URLs available is shown below.

Show all updates



This displays a screen showing all the audited changes to a document.  Each line is a link to a representation (normally JSON) of the state of the document after the update.

Each line shows elements that may include:

  • time of the audited event (in UTC - which is what techies call GMT)
  • <changes> area, which shows the changes that were made if you hover the mouse over it.  There is an example in the screenshot above.  The format is the name of the attribute that is changed and, in the simplest case, the old value followed by the new value.  Arrays and large text fields are more complicated - see here for a playground - we use the JSON output format.
  • a description of the operation (created / modified / deleted)
  • a summary of top level modified fields
  • the name of the user

Show all audited events



This displays a screen showing all the audited events involving a document - which is always a superset of the /changes URLs above.  This includes people accessing the records.

Show the record at a point in time



This recreates the value of the specified version of the item and displays it in JSON format.  It is used by the /history and /changes URL formats above.  Sensitive data such as username and password hash are removed.