Plait will automatically check that a care worker has got time to get from one booking to the next. It works as follows:
The system calculates the usual time required to travel (using the employee's Travel Mode set on the Employment tab of their record) from the location of one job to the next. Location of a booking is taken from the home address of the first client on the booking. Where a What3Words value has been specified it is used, otherwise the location is calculated by a geocoding service. The route, and time it will take, is calculated by OSRM (or, if there is a problem with that, GraphHopper)
That time is then multiplied by the value in the Travel Time Factor field on the Scheduling tab of the organisation form (or ancestor organisations, and if no value if found all the way up to the Top Level organisation then the value is left alone). If the modified time is less than the time allowed between the visits, then the system will prevent the booking being made.