For a care worker to log in successfully Plait requires two levels of security:

  1. Care worker needs to sign-in (by entering user name and password, by swiping an RFID tag or by scanning a QR Code)
  2. The phone needs have been set up on the system*

This means that a Plait administrator needs to set up the phone for each care worker.  They do that as follows:

  1. Logging in to Plait Mobile on the phone with their Plait username and password
  2. Bring up the menu by clicking on the "hamburger" (top left) or by swiping the screen from the left.
  3. Click on "Assign Phone".  You will see one of two screens, depending on whether the phone has already been assigned to a care worker:

    In the latter case click on the UNASSIGN button (you will then see the "This phone is not currently assigned .." message)
  4. Type in enough of the forename or surname of the care worker that their name appears with a > button.
  5. When you click on the > button the following screen appears:
    The first paragraph only appears if the user has already been assigned a phone.  If you are using NFC ID cards then scan the carer's card before pressing OK.
  6. Swipe the care worker's RFID tag (most phones will beep at this point) and then click "OK".

  7. Go to the menu (by pressing the hamburger or swiping from the left) and select "Clear Cache and Log Out"

  8. Give the phone and RFID tag to the care worker and get them to log in.

* There are three ways in which a user can log in on a phone that has not been assigned to them:

  1. In the case of logging in with user name and password.  This is not deemed to be any more of a risk on the mobile than on the main Plait website. 
  2. Logging in with QR code when the organisation is set up with the Allow QRCode login on mobile field set to Allow (least secure) and the careworker has been set up to be able to use any device**.  This is expected to be used temporarily when a rapid rollout is being attempted by mailing / emailing the ID cards to the care workers.  When careworkers come into the office an admin user can follow the process above to restrict their access to just their own phone.
  3. Loggin in with NFC when the careworker has been set up to be able to use any device**.  The main use case for this is internal within the development team, but it could be used temporarily when a rapid rollout is being attempted by mailing the ID cards to the care workers.  When careworkers come into the office an admin user can follow the process above to restrict their access to just their own phone.

** To enable a care worker to use any device their record needs to be modified as follows:

  1. In Plait, search for the care worker and bring up their record.
  2. In the address bar change the URL from ../db/person/careworker/....../edit to ../db/person/nfc/....../edit
  3. Set the Device UUID to any
    NOTE: If you want to do this for all your care workers your support provider may be able to run a query for you