By default the mobile system is set up to allow the use of NFC to log in and bring up the correct client record. When the mobile system is used within a scheduling environment the care worker can also notify they are starting a job using the manual method (in case of problems with phone / tag).
Where companies have a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy for mobile phones, not all care workers will have NFC capable phones. In this case, it is appropriate to enable the use of QR Codes.
This document explains how to do that.
Set up (on
Allow QR Login
In Setup | Organisation on the Setup tab you need to set up the Allow Q R Code Login on Mobile field.
- Disallow is the default option, inherited from the Top Level organisation. Users cannot log in to the mobile app using QR Code, and won't even see the Scanner button.
- Allow on allocated device is the recommended option if QR Codes are to be used. Each care worker will need to be linked to a device (see instructions here) and they will only be able to log in on that phone. If careworker are using their own phones then when a careworker leaves you should ensure that they are prevented from continuing to access the system by following the instructions in Disallow QR Login for a User, below.
- Allow (least secure) is intended for use only during a rapid deployment, when ID cards are mailed (or even emailed for home printing) to care workers. If this option is used care workers need to be linked to their phones as soon as possible, and then the Allow on allocated device used. To allow an unknown phone to be used to access the system as a given careworker you need to do the following:
Search for the care worker and bring up their record.
Edit the URL and change the view from careworker to nfc. For instance if the URL was you would change it to
On the new view set the value of the Device U U I D field to any and save the record.
When a careworker leaves you should ensure that they are prevented from continuing to access the system by following the instructions in Disallow QR Login for a User, below.
Disallow QR Login for a User
Because QRCodes can be conveniently copied (or even created) when a care worker leaves employment you must ensure that no-one can access the system as that careworker by doing the following:
Search for the care worker and bring up their record.
Edit the URL and change the view from careworker to nfc. For instance if the URL was you would change it to
On the new view set the value of the Device U U I D field to blank (ie remove the content) and save the record.
Allow QR Codes as a logging method (Scheduling systems only)
In Setup | Organisation, go to the Point of Care tab and set up the Allowed Logging Methods. Initially, these are inherited from the Top Level organisation and only NFC and Manual are allowed:
The recommended setup for QR Codes is to copy the Top Level setup and add a QR Code method with the same values (apart from the method itself) as the NFC setup.
Generate QRCodes for Care Workers
Each care worker who is going to use QR Codes to log in will need an ID card (or something else) with a QR Code on it. Bring up the care worker view and select ID Card from the Person menu. The format of the ID Card is specified on the Setup Page of the Organisation.
Generate QRCodes for Client Files
Each client file will need a QR Code (possibly in addition to an RFID tag, if NFC is enabled). Bring up the client view and select PEN Picture with QRCode from the Person menu. The format of this document can be changed by modifying the Careplan setup.
A note about QRCodes
Both care worker and client QR Codes are just an encoding of the person code (the 24 hex digit part of the URL - something like 5e79c046a71e9f07a3dba95b). You may find it more convenient to use a website (such as or a third party utility to generate the QRCodes. This will enable you to copy and paste images into your current documents without having to change procedures before you are ready to.
Scanning QR Codes on Plait Mobile
If logging in with QR Codes is enabled (or the phone is being used for the first time, or after a cache clearance) the login page will have a scan button at the top right:
The careworker taps on the scan button to enable the scanner. On first use they will be asked to grant permission for the app to use the camera. Point the camera at the QR Code and hold it steady with the code inside the square on the screen for a few seconds.
Logging in using QR Codes (Scheduling)
The supported logging methods are listed on the home page
Click anywhere on the QR Code item to enable the scanner, and scan as for logging in.
Viewing client meds (Standalone eMAR)
Bring up the scanner by clicking on the link on the home page
then scan as for the log in.